Avgas 100LL used in small piston engine powered aircraft within the General Aviation community. Predominately activities such as private pilots, flight training, flying clubs and crop spraying. 

This grade is the low lead version of Avgas 100. Low lead is a relative term. There is still up to 0.56 g/litre of lead in Avgas 100LL. This grade is listed in the same specifications as Avgas 100, namely ASTM D 910 and UK DEF STAN 91-90.

Avgas 100LL is dyed blue.


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Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Below you can download safety data sheets in Norwegian and English for AVGAS 100LL.

Norwegian version:

English version:


According to EU Regulation 1907/2006, it will become prohibited from 1st December 2023 to place on the market, and use, for supply to the general public, Cumene in concentrations of >0.1% in a mixture.
Read more about cumene right arrow

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